Here are a few tidbits of information concerning storage items for survival: dried pinto beans, great northern beans, red kidney beans, mixed beans, black beans, lentils, black-eyed peas, long grain rice, cornmeal, flour, baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch, white & brown sugar, salt, beef & chicken meat packets or bouillon cubes, pepper, spices, honey, preserves, jams, jelly, powdered milk, instant non-fat milk, powdered eggs, cheddar cheese powder, margarine or butter powder, popcorn, grits, oatmeal, cream of wheat, granola bars, biscuit mix, yeast, 6-grain pancake mix & syrup, molasses, salsa, soup, pasta, sauces, crackers, peanut butter, spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried fruit, figs, dates, tea, coffee, cocoa mix, water, applesauce, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, Jello, canned meats, and canned vegetables.
Shovels, hoes, rakes, saws & saw blades, bowie knife, ax, wood, charcoal briquettes, charcoal fuel, camping utensils for open fires, tents, tarps, blankets, sleeping bags, back packs, first aid kits, egg rolls for beds, antiseptic creams, bug repellent, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, vinegar, latex gloves, sutures, bandages & band-aids, ointments to treat lots of wounds.
Liquid soap, sunburn creams, lotions, matches, kerosene, matches, candles, candle holders, kerosene lanterns & wicks, iron skillets, cast iron pots, pans, coffee pots, enamel bowls, cups, pans, anything that can sit on an open fire or flame and not break.
Crockery bowls & dishes, filled propane gas tanks, buckets, pails, sheets, towels, washcloths, generator, outdoor grill, kerosene heaters & extra wicks, duct tape, electrical tape, plastic bags, garbage bags, garbage cans, rubber gloves, carbon monoxide detector, cotton balls, Q-tips, Clorox, cleaning solutions, low sudsing detergent, chap stick, soap, deodorant, shampoo, razor blades, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, batteries, battery operated radio, Coleman cooker propane stoves, battery chargers.
Pain pills, Tylenol, anti-inflammatory drugs
Store plenty of whiskey, wine, bourbon & beer to use as an antiseptic or to deaden the pain. It can be poured over deep wounds.
Every household needs a water purifier. This type of purifier should be accesible for emergencies. Clorox or water tablets make the water taste bitter so you might want to stock up on lots of kool-aid to add to any drinking water.
Scissors and sterile knives are a necessity.
Every household needs a water purifier. This type of purifier should be accesible for emergencies. Clorox or water tablets make the water taste bitter so you might want to stock up on lots of kool-aid to add to any drinking water.
Scissors and sterile knives are a necessity.
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Metal mailboxes can be used as solar ovens when the weather is permissible.
Portable showers for washing your hair and spit baths is advisable. Wal-Mart stocks these units.
Vinegar cleans well.
Paper plates are needed for serving meals.
Crisco is good for treating iron skillets.
Non-battery operated games are good to store for the children to play to keep them from being bored.
Playing cards will help pass the time also.
Try to learn all you can concerning how to have a resourceful water supply, maintain a good diet, get rid of human waste, and how to keep yourself cool in the summer heat and warm during the winter cold. These are absolute necessities you must learn now while you have the time and the finances to prepare for any disaster!
Portable showers for washing your hair and spit baths is advisable. Wal-Mart stocks these units.
Vinegar cleans well.
Paper plates are needed for serving meals.
Crisco is good for treating iron skillets.
Non-battery operated games are good to store for the children to play to keep them from being bored.
Playing cards will help pass the time also.
Try to learn all you can concerning how to have a resourceful water supply, maintain a good diet, get rid of human waste, and how to keep yourself cool in the summer heat and warm during the winter cold. These are absolute necessities you must learn now while you have the time and the finances to prepare for any disaster!
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This is a correspondence Bible College course that can be started any time during the year.